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Topic: Max Upload Limit (Read 936 times) previous topic - next topic

Max Upload Limit

Hi guys...can someone help me how to change upload limit value..this is the error i have
Warning: POST Content-Length of 304328905 bytes exceeds the limit of 134217728 bytes in Unknown on line 0
i already change in max_filesize at validation part and still got the error.
changing at php.ini also done but still got error.

Re: Max Upload Limit

Reply #1
Update your post_max_size in php.ini to a larger value.
upload_max_filesize sets the max file size that a user can upload while post_max_size sets the maximum amount of data that can be sent via a POST in a form.
So you can set upload_max_filesize to 20 MB, which means that the biggest single file a user can upload is 20 MegaByte, but they could upload 3 of them at once if the post_max_size was set to 60 MB.

Re: Max Upload Limit

Reply #2
Thanks..its solve,👍👍👍