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Topic: Re. __htmleditorplugincss (Read 1489 times) previous topic - next topic

Re. __htmleditorplugincss

Receiving this error after publishing an application with PHPRad Version 2.6.4:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '__htmleditorplugincss' (T_STRING) in C:\Users\Admin\Projects\Web\sandbox\students\app\views\layouts\main_layout.php on line 19

*** File main_layout.php:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" />
      <meta charset="<?php echo PAGE_CHARSET ?>">
      <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php print_link(SITE_FAVICON); ?>" />
         Html ::  page_title(SITE_NAME);
         Html ::  page_meta('theme-color',META_THEME_COLOR);
         Html ::  page_meta('author',META_AUTHOR);
         Html ::  page_meta('keyword',META_KEYWORDS);
         Html ::  page_meta('description',META_DESCRIPTION);
         Html ::  page_meta('viewport',META_VIEWPORT);
         Html ::  page_css('__pagefontcss.css');
         Html ::  page_css('animate.css');
         Html ::  page_css('bootstrap-vue.min.css');
         Html ::  page_css('vue-form-wizard.css');

Re: Re. __htmleditorplugincss

Reply #1
@radminer‍ once you create your project, please preview the project with the default configurations, if possible save the project before working on it or making any configuration changes.

Re: Re. __htmleditorplugincss

Reply #2
No idea what might be causing this, suggestions on what exactly might be causing this would be appreciated. 
@radminer‍ once you create your project, please preview the project with the default configurations, if possible save the project before working on it or making any configuration changes.

Re: Re. __htmleditorplugincss

Reply #3
Project cannot be previewed with default configurations -  default configurations where not changed.
No idea what might be causing this, suggestions on what exactly might be causing this would be appreciated. 
@radminer‍ once you create your project, please preview the project with the default configurations, if possible save the project before working on it or making any configuration changes.