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Topic: how to write automatically to textbox (Read 1191 times) previous topic - next topic

how to write automatically to textbox

I want to write some data on textbox according to previous entries by user.

for example when user select his emlpoyee number from selectionbox  it must be written employee name to textbox.

I use dynamic select lookup for this purpose, but nothing written on textbox. If I use selection box instedaf of textbox data is shown but user must select it.

How can I use textbox for this job?


Re: how to write automatically to textbox

Reply #1
isn't there any answer ?

Re: how to write automatically to textbox

Reply #3
Great video Willvin, thanks a lot...

I will give it a try.

We need more example like this of how to work deep in PHPRAD. it is critically important to build sophisticated apps.

Hope the support can provide few examples of inventory system, erp, crm, real estate, etc...
