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Topic: Security Issue and other (Read 1121 times) previous topic - next topic

Security Issue and other

error in the classic version
SECURITY PROBLEM. by selecting several records with "checkbox" and giving it by deleting a user you can delete records from other users without having permissions ... you can even search records from other users without having permissions ... example: in a user of type "user" without no permission in "user" of the record management "can search the records of other users and delete them by selecting them in the aforementioned way ... I can not upload photos, but I hope you understand. Also,the box of the fields in "add" is very close to the fields, this looks good in version 2.5.1 ... I hope I contributed something. The software is excellent. I hope you can correct these errors.

Re: Security Issue and other

Reply #1
Hi, Thanks for your suggestions. But the delete Checkbox displaying for users not permitted to delete the record has been fixed on version 2.5.7

Also record are not actually deleted if the user is not permitted to delete such record as the validation is done on the server side before the request is done. You can check it out.

Thanks for the feedback and support.

Re: Security Issue and other

Reply #2

hello, excellent team work, the application is excellent