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Topic: Master / Details option on PhpRad. Need help (Read 1711 times) previous topic - next topic

Master / Details option on PhpRad. Need help

First of all i want to congratulate all of the PHPRAD staff for the great software you are providing. Someone recommended this to me and I have just downloaded and I am trying it. Since I am new on this and I am testing all functionalities that I may need before I buy it, I am facing some issues on finding the way to build the Master / Detail add/edit page. I am trying something easy like building an invoice mini-system, and on the add invoice page I want to integrate this two tables:

1. invoice table where are found  columns as:
   invoiceID, invoicClientId (from clients table), invoiceCurrency (from currency table), invoiceDate, invoiceGeneratedDate (current timestamp), invoiceEditDate (current timestamp on edit), invoiceSerial (from serials table, autoincrement on save invoice), invocieExchangeRate (from exchangerates table - dependable from invoiceCurrency), invoiceType (enum), invoiceInfo (txt), invoiceTransporter (from transporters table) InvoiceStatus (enum: default active), invoiceUser(currentuser), invoiceTotal (autocalculate from articles on invoice_details).
2. invocie_details with following columns:
   detailsID, invoiceID (current invoice id), , articleID (from articles table), articleExtraInfo (varchar), articleUnit (froma article table), quantity, price, discount, valueWithoutTva, valueOfTVA, ValueWithTva, notes

Note: I was thinking something like that, but, if anyone can suggest anything else, will be very appreciated.

One some CRUD softwares that i have tested or i have worked with, this is somehow easy to get done, but in PhpRad i can't find the way to do it. Can someone help me on this, please?
Thank you.

Re: Master / Details option on PhpRad. Need help

Reply #1
Thanks for your kind words and support.
Here is the basic of PHPRad master detail relations.

Please  note: we provide express support for our licensed customer via our Skype and whatsapp.


Best Regards


Re: Master / Details option on PhpRad. Need help

Reply #2
Hello. Thank you for your reply.
The link you provided has a fatal error :-(
If you say that it can be done, i will purchase it immediately. It will not be a problem.
Thank you