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Topic: Redirect to a different table record view where the 'submit' originated  (Read 1272 times) previous topic - next topic

Redirect to a different table record view where the 'submit' originated

Hi Guys

How do i redirect to the previous URL or record where the submit was clicked? I have a ticket view page which has a comments add subpage, when i add comments it redirects me to the comments list or any comments table page i want to configure, though i want to stay on the ticket record view page (not list) where i added the comment.

I have tried someones previous answer about  using the redirect field, but this doesn't allow me to redirect to the previous page where the 'submit' was initialized. I am passing the page_id which appears to be the ticket id bound to ticket_id in the comments table, so the most i am able to do is view the comment view page. I hope this makes sense.

If anyone can help me with this it would be amazing as this is the last part i need to resolve before i can move to pre production! :)

Mahoosive thanks guys!

Re: Redirect to a different table record view where the 'submit' originated

Reply #1
did u find a solution?

Re: Redirect to a different table record view where the 'submit' originated

Reply #2
I did not, once i update the record it always goes back to the main list instead of remaining on the updated record.