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Topic: SAMPLE Projects (Read 14084 times) previous topic - next topic

SAMPLE Projects

Dear friends, I used to use another RAD until now, but I really like PHPRAD. What was really helpfull with the old RAD used by me, and accelerated me a lot was SAMPLE APPS they provided together with the RAD.
PLEASe, for your benefits, and for us as well: based on tutorials intended for helping user, just make an APPLICATION SAMPLE to illustrate all the technics in the tutorials... and will help all of us a lot !!!
More SAMPLE APPS, more users conversions to PHPRAD and shorter and shorter learning curve !!!
Hope to see a sample app one day (sooner the better :)
BR, Catalin

Re: SAMPLE Projects

Reply #1
Hi Catalin,

Sample app will be publish soon.
If you have any project in mind you can equally share and we will try and see how to go about it.


Re: SAMPLE Projects

Reply #2
Hi Emman,

...& thanks for your quick reply. I'am studying right now the videos on youtube in order to learn and try to start a project. I was saying about sample projects because using the previous RAD (I do not want to name it, because I really like PHPRAD), it was tremendous helpful for me to run different sample projects and see pieces of code and how they did different things. This accelerated me a lot in writing apps. What is in the video tutorials please make them APPS and publish them inside the installation KIT. The community will grow, adoption will be faster and forum will become more alive...

All the best & Merry Christmas to all !

PS: Usual sample project may be a ticketing system, with some users/roles&restrictions/reports & a dashboard + a process (e.g. Approval process).

Re: SAMPLE Projects

Reply #3
it would be great to have the following examples:
- Erp - (account, product, stock and employee management)
- Blog (type wordpress)
- Online virtual store (with paypal or stripe)

Re: SAMPLE Projects

Reply #4
Hi again, I have started to use the trial and I'm doing different views etc. to learn. It takes me time. A good sample for Multi-tenant / Multi-company app. will be very useful. To limit access to data based on Company & Role for example.
 - Ticketing it will be great and simple as sample app.
 - Other ideas:
     - Invoicing app based-on and related with ticketing app.
     - Book library with registration: readers, contributors...
     - Reception desk for: visitors, group of visitors etc.
 If I may help with something I will gladly do it. My first app I will post it into the forum section :) ...maybe will help someone! will be in 2019-Q1 :) hopefully!

Re: SAMPLE Projects

Reply #5
An event management tool , with a calendar ;-)

Re: SAMPLE Projects

Reply #6
Hi Guys, new to PHPRAD. I must say I’m impressed and will be purchasing a license when my 30 days is up. This is a fantastic tool for a beginner. I do agree it would be really useful to see an example. Mainly just seeing how a properly configured component should look. My knowledge is very limited, but being able to use this software to its full potential would be fantastic. 👍

Re: SAMPLE Projects

Reply #7
The RAD is amazing, the work is tremendous, far nicer and better than solutions with history behind, but lack in documentation and samples. Let's do it together, let's construct a community and help the developers to help us !!!
Look forward to work together on that ! :)
PS: Happy New Year to all our community !!!!!

Re: SAMPLE Projects

Reply #8
Dear friends, I used to use another RAD until now, but I really like PHPRAD. What was really helpfull with the old RAD used by me, and accelerated me a lot was SAMPLE APPS they provided together with the RAD.
PLEASe, for your benefits, and for us as well: based on tutorials intended for helping user, just make an APPLICATION SAMPLE to illustrate all the technics in the tutorials... and will help all of us a lot !!!
More SAMPLE APPS, more users conversions to PHPRAD and shorter and shorter learning curve !!!
Hope to see a sample app one day (sooner the better :)
BR, Catalin
im making a youtube channel for that
 wait for it
jaymoore stah

Re: SAMPLE Projects

Reply #13
Just out of curiosity what was your previous PHP application builder.

Re: SAMPLE Projects

Reply #14
Greetings guys, I am so impressed by PHPRAD, I trust there are several veteran RADS out there, most of which are very great tools to mention PHPRunner, which is very good, PHP Generator for mysql, PHP Maker very nice tools, but, when it comes to simplicity, presentation, responsiveness, ease of use, learning curve. I believe, this is the best tool, still in early stages but way to good. if only the developers could take a look at phprunner and bring us some functionality there. Actually in my own view. PHPRad's dashboarding is not comparable. Looking at the pricing, I think it's the best available. I am using the trial version for learning purposes. but I am so willing to buy should the PHPRAD team implement just a few features that I am dying to see and adopt the program for my production project. Personally, I have a few suggestions to make, I trust I could have missed them somewhere but if there not there yet. to me these would make the app rocking.
1.code snippets in event editor
2.field re-arrangement on view, edit, add pages in several columns.
3.web reports. I will make more suggestions as I continue to use the application. for now, I am super impressed.