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Topic: Export to pdf, doc and print. (Read 2012 times) previous topic - next topic

Export to pdf, doc and print.

Hello friends,
When I tried to export to pdf, doc or print, it gives me error if the data in table in Arabic language, but for the same project it work fine if the data in table in English. I checked allow multiple languages in project settings. I tested this in different php ver. (7.0,7.1,7.2,7.3,7.4) same result.
- Second thing is that when i choose Arabic as my default language for the project and publish it , all word totally in wrong position, this issue I find it since ver 2.6 till now, i solved it by publishing to English enable multi language then translated English file manually also editing RTL propertie.
See attached.
My current version is 2.7.3
Thanks for your great efforts.
Almosawi A.Mohammed