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Messages - maurice

Questions / Re: mp3 shopping cart
@dobsun - That sounds good...

I don't see it adding two songs at a time and I've tested that thoroughly.  When a user clicks the button ( add to cart ), it takes the info from the SONGLIST table and adds those fields to the CART table. 

I'm embarrassed to answer your next question...  :'(  :'(

I don't know how to make sessions or cookies... I did the app through phpRad interface.  When a user chooses a song, that song is added to a table called CART.  If they sign off and come back later, that info is still in the CART table.  I pull it based on ACTIVE USER. 

I love the suggestion you made and I'm going to try that right now... I have to figure out where to do that in phpRad..... Are you familar with it...
Questions / mp3 shopping cart

I'm new to phpRad and have been doing well until I hit this issue.  I have been able to setup my app to search artist, title, song category, and album successfully.  I have also been able to setup the cart to work as well.  My problem is, I can't finish the cart to deliver the mp3 to my clients.  My deadline is coming and I don't know what to do.... PLEASE POINT ME IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION...

Summary - I need to automate my users to receive their mp3 files when they pay for them using Square.

If you want to see what I'm talking about....

Can phpRad do this?????

username and password is the same... "test" and "test"

Thank you so much!