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Topic: Form Editing (Read 1149 times) previous topic - next topic

Form Editing

Hello All,
I am a brand new user to this platform and I think I have caused myself an issue.
While playing around with a form (edit) I added some components but now I cannot delete them. The red X is grayed out. I'm trying to get back to the default.
I made a brief video that shows my condition. The Forum software would not allow me to upload my video:
There was a problem during the uploading of 2020-06-05_12-28-46.mp4.
The upload directory is full. Please contact an administrator about this problem.

Any direction is appreciated.

Re: Form Editing

Reply #2
I added a 'New Section Row' then 2 'CustomerEditForm' components. sized col-md-6. that is the only property I changed

      A header                        From here and above are delete-able
Section-Row-container        From here and below are not delete-able

Re: Form Editing

Reply #3
@bwalk‍ the solution is to recreate the project as the field you copied is generated by phprad automatically and you are not suppose to use it. If you are looking to add components please Che the left panel on the page design and you will see page comments. Please only copy components you added yourself so that you don't get the above errors, thanks. 


Re: Form Editing

Reply #4
Makes sense, I have already carried out that instruction on my own (re-created the project). I will be careful not to do that again!
Thank you.