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Topic: smart admin panel (Read 3111 times) previous topic - next topic

smart admin panel


I discover PHPrad today. Nice job !

I need to develop a sophisticate admin panel for a CRM app
I have a few question :

1 - Do you think it could be possible to integrate a php panel like smart admin (

2 - Is it possible to add custom / tiers UI components like js scheduler ?

3 - What about notification ? Is it possible to implement js background notification for users ?

4 - less to css ?

During installation I get this error message ?
IPersistFile::Save failed; code 0x80070002. File could not be found.


Re: smart admin panel

Reply #1
1. yes it is possible, only after publishing to production.
2 yes, it is possible.
3. yes, it is possible.
3. your stylesheet should be in CSS.

the error code you provided seems to be associated with a corrupt system file. please try running  "SFC /scannow" on Command Prompt to check your system for errors.

Re: smart admin panel

Reply #2
 :) seem's great !

"yes it is possible, only after publishing to production."
I don't understant this response. Could you explain the way to do that ?

What about interaction betweenp hprad  and smartadmin  ? (smart admin use composer to resolve dependencies)

Thanks for your response,


Re: smart admin panel

Reply #3
@eletec‍ I thought you were talking about an HTML template. You can not do that with PHPRAD, you will have to write you code manually to help you merge the two web apps. Please, PHPRad only manages apps generated by it. You can use the database that is being used by your smart admin web app to create a new project using PHPRad.

For more info, please read the PHPRad Docs and PHPRad API Docs.

Re: smart admin panel

Reply #4
Yes Willvin,

smartadmin is a template : there is no database. Just php / js statiques pages with a bootstrap 4 implementation.

There is a html version, php version vuejs version, ...


Re: smart admin panel

Reply #6
OK thanks for your answers :)
a few more questions :

 1 - is it possible to design a front management for user record management ? I mean interface for admins roles to setup access
 2 - is it possible to put controls in grid ceels as gauge, notification icons, etc... ?
 2 - I try to manage a n/n relation : assigne a lot of vales from a table to a record in another table usinq a multiple listbox grid. (I have 400 shops and managers can manage a collection of shops) I could not do that... Is it possible with phpRad ?


Re: smart admin panel

Reply #7
1. you can create roles using the phprad app and admins can assign such roles created to users using the generated app.
2. Yes, it is possible, PHPrad uses bootstrap 4.
3. Not clear

Note: PHPrad allows you to write custom codes to fit your needs. If PHPrad does not offer a feature you need, you can write the code to handle that for you. Please do go through the documentation link sent to you previously. You can also get Other Helpful Resources here, like projects on phprad.
