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Topic: A few technical questions (Read 1094 times) previous topic - next topic

A few technical questions


I am exploring PHPRad to see how it fits our requirement. I am trying to correlate what I want to achieve (or what I have already developed manually) inPHPRad

But I am not able to understand as to how I can do a few things in it.

I am listing a few question that I have, trying to explain in as much details as I can.

Q1. How to show a page in which there is not data loaded when it opens except for a few selects. As shown below:

Once users selects required parameters it should automatically (on selecting date) fetch attendance (using Ajax) of student if already taken. The data will look like below image:

Q2. How to build and execute a complex query like this?
Code: [Select]
SELECT DISTINCT allocate_batch.ab_roll_no, student_master.sm_student_name, student_master.sm_id 
FROM allocate_batch
INNER JOIN student_master ON allocate_batch.ab_sm_id = student_master.sm_id
LEFT JOIN enrollment_master ON student_master.sm_id = enrollment_master.enrollment_sm_id
LEFT JOIN enrollment_subject ON enrollment_master.enrollment_id = enrollment_subject.esub_enrollment_id
allocate_batch.ab_std_id = '11' AND
allocate_batch.ab_ay_id = '36' AND
student_master.sm_active ='1' AND
allocate_batch.ab_div_id = '1' AND
enrollment_subject.esub_sub_id = '1'
AND enrollment_ay_id = '12'
AND enrollment_im_id = '1'

Q3. How to load data in multiple dependent Select? Like for example in my case when a user selects Academic Year all the other selects should get updated and relevant data loaded into all of them. So in an Academic Year does not have a standard linked to it that standard does not show up.

Q4. How to update multiple tables in background when user enters data in the form? Like for example when a student is enrolled I want to insert the fees due for that student in Fees table.

Q5. In a few videos that I have seen I have observed that on a entry form only one Submit button is show. How to add another button to it?

Q6. I don't know as to how to explain this problem so please check below image to understand as to what I a trying to achieve:

Waiting for creative feedback.

Yogi Yang