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Topic: Live data - how to in PHPRAD (Read 992 times) previous topic - next topic

Live data - how to in PHPRAD

Hi there!

Maybe a dumb question but... how could a "live data view" could be done in PHPRAD in some more elegant way than just reloading the entire page?
Is there something that is actually "supported" by default in the PHPRAD concept?

In the end... maybe a kind of "page in page" and then refreshing/reloading just the subpage?

Or some kind of AJAX "API/subpage" call to get the changes and updating the nodes on page?

For example in a List page you have something (a list...) where values of some records changes few times a second and want to "live view" that on the page?


Re: Live data - how to in PHPRAD

Reply #2
Yeah... I thought so...

Anyway... I thought to make another page of the adequate type (list probably) and use it to generate pure JSON output. From the "normal" page then use some JS code to pull that JSON data and use it to update various "live" fields on the page.

What do you thing of this approach? Any better suggestion? (websockets on the page and keep the connection live? What is the status of websockets in PHPRAD?)

The only issue at the moment could be the pagination and filtering data which should be "passed" from the main/normal page...
Or make a lot of custom field formats (on dynamic fields) to add unique id= on each field to be able to update them directly by JS, then I could ignore the pagination altogether... (but this way there will be a lot of overhead/data going back and forth - ids to server, results back)

Any idea on how to effectively "link/shadow" a "sub page" of a normal list/view page to reflect the filtering/sorting... settings of the "parent" page? (basically to be sure the subpage "shows" the identical data (order etc))?

Thanks a lot!