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Topic: Change database setup on development mode (Read 1016 times) previous topic - next topic

Change database setup on development mode

Hi everyone,

Is is possible to change database setup on development enviroment?

Re: Change database setup on development mode

Reply #1
You might want to be more specific. 

If you mean, can you use one database for development and another for production, then yes this is easy.  Make changes in the config.php before or after saving it to the web server.

If you mean can you make changes to the DB: adding tables / columns / whatever, then the answer is generally "Yes, but it will take some work".


Re: Change database setup on development mode

Reply #2

When creating the application, I set up the database. With that, I can make changes to the tables through PHPRad. Now I want to modify my database host and continue accessing via PHPRad.


Re: Change database setup on development mode

Reply #4
I have done both of these:
1. Use a name for the DB server and then change it in your HOSTS file or LAN DNS server.  This allows you to change servers by changing where the name points.  (Using something like HostsFileEditor .)
2. Use an Editor (I may have used a HexEditor) to change a copy of the project file while PHPRad is closed.  Always backup before doing this.