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Topic: Filter by location (Read 1082 times) previous topic - next topic

Filter by location

I would like to know to restrict lists to be viewed according to the geographical location of a user

Re: Filter by location

Reply #2
are you able to give me an example because i tried to use user management but it did not do the job.  a clear explanation is that i have created a system with users from different district and so in the table for user accounts i put district as on of the fields with the view that when an account is created an a user is from a particular district, they will only see records relating to their specific district.


Re: Filter by location

Reply #3
@peterjohn‍ then you need to add the district field to all tables and set User Record Management for each table, where the district field for the current table you are working on matches the district field in the user table.
it means each table you want to restrict access for a user, needs to have the district field that holds the user district that can access that record.