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Topic: path by uploading files like PDF (Read 1692 times) previous topic - next topic

path by uploading files like PDF

First i like to tell you that i love the PHPRad very much. It is a Exelent job done there.

I have a problem that when i upload a file, that PHPRad saves the path with the file name.

Example:  uploads/files/a60bfedb5d2bbade2.pdf
This is saved in the field of the database.

Is it possible to save only the name without the path?
That is more easy in case you need to move the files to a new location on your website.

So when you change in PHPRad the upload path to this new location and have moved the file to that place, everything is working
directly without changing all the fields to set the new path.

Thanks and Regards

Re: path by uploading files like PDF

Reply #1
Great suggestions. I love the idea.
Have added to the road map.

Best regards

Re: path by uploading files like PDF

Reply #2
Hi Emman,

Thansk for your answer.
I hope that you can move it to the next PHPRad classic update, because it trouble me a lot.

Thanks and Regards

Re: path by uploading files like PDF

Reply #3
Yes, the next release will have that feature.
Just wait for some few days



Re: path by uploading files like PDF

Reply #4
Hi Emman,

I have wait a couple of day's but until now this Path request is still not implemented.

I understand that you are bussy, but is there a chance that it will implemented?

Thanks in advance.
Best Regards  MVV