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Topic: Too many bugs (Read 1164 times) previous topic - next topic

Too many bugs

I really like PHPRad but there are way too many bugs at the moment.
I dont see anyone responding to the posts in the forum and i dont see any updates to fix some of these bugs.
I would love to help you guys.

Re: Too many bugs

Reply #1
It's true, the software is great but have a lot of bugs:

- Multilanguage dont work
- CSRF in php vue give error when add data in form
- API dont work properly and security problems and others bugs

Other programs like node rad and pyrad have more problems, This software is useful to develop small and private applications not for commercial use because it is very recent and with little support.

Re: Too many bugs

Reply #2
I have just started using it too but no big issues so far.  What other systems are available?

Re: Too many bugs

Reply #3
Phprad with bugs I agree, but not releasing update to fix the bugs not true. In less than 1 week we have released 2 to 3 new updates just to fix bugs.

Please if you found bugs help us and report it with much detail and we will fix it.
You can equally create issues and we will follow it up to solve it. If not provide work around.

Thanks for your support.
Best regards


Re: Too many bugs

Reply #4
There are bugs in every single code ever released. And PHPRad is not an exception.

But, the progress made by these guys is impressive and agree with Emman that they have released a few bug fix versions in a short time and a evolutive version in less than 2 months. Hopefully there will be another major version coming soon and most of the current bugs are fixed, even I know there will be new ones :)