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Topic: Lookup in List and View pages (Read 831 times) previous topic - next topic

Lookup in List and View pages

i have 2 tables, let's say cars and tables, with this sample data:

(`ID`, `CarName`, `Tyre`)
(1, 'Renault Clio', '2'),
(2, 'Nissan Juke', '3');

(`ID`, `TyreModel`) VALUES
(1, 'Pirelli xyz'),
(2, 'Michelin 180'),
(3, 'Michelin 220');

In Add and Edit pages the lookup works perfectly. I was even able to lookup two and more tables with inner join.
But when it comes to List and View pages, there is no auto lookup, nor something to set in the Tyre Field Property.
Obviously there is no lookup in the published page

In the List Page Properties there is a field to set a join, but it add an inner join with no custom editing possible.
INNER JOIN tyres ON cars.Tyre=tyres.ID
This adds other fields to the table than have to be unselected.. and is not  very easy when tables have many fields
Are there others way to get a simple lookup in the List and View pages?

Thanks and best regards
Juri Bertello