How can I auto fill fields from the "user" table December 22, 2020, 05:15:33 PM How can I auto fill fields from the "user" table in a table "hostingpacks"with a field like eg CustomerIn the Table user I haveIDUsernamePasswordRoleIn the table Hostingpacks I have :Username (as (Selectbox) with the list from the table user)Customer (I want this to auto fill with the username from the "User table" if I select a username from the above field from the table user)Can you please advice me with a sample how to do this? That would be great..Thank you so mutch. I love PHPRad. More than Appgini I own alsoMore...Quick EditQuote Quote Selected
Re: How can I auto fill fields from the "user" table Reply #1 – December 22, 2020, 05:48:42 PM @pvisser here is an example of what you are looking for Quote Selected