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Topic: Reference fields dynamically based on previous entry. (Read 5037 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Reference fields dynamically based on previous entry.

Reply #15
@Catalin‍ as promised, here is the solution to his issue.

This👇 was added to his student Select field ClientEvents.
Code: [Select]
$('#ctrl-Student_Name').on('change', function(){ 
    let student_name = $(this).val();

Do not worked for me... :( ...after many retries, I'm trying now to activate error log... to see what is happening..[/code]

Re: Reference fields dynamically based on previous entry.

Reply #16
@Catalin‍ please make sure to replace the field id with your field id, as the example above contains the field id of the user the fix was made for.

Re: Reference fields dynamically based on previous entry.

Reply #17
@Catalin‍ please make sure to replace the field id with your field id, as the example above contains the field id of the user the fix was made for.

I did it but it's not working; I posted my code in the initial topic; it will help me if I can have errors captured in the log, but nothing in the log.

Re: Reference fields dynamically based on previous entry.

Reply #18
@Catalin‍ please make sure to replace the field id with your field id, as the example above contains the field id of the user the fix was made for.
I did it but it's not working; I posted my code in the initial topic; it will help me if I can have errors captured in the log, but nothing in the log.
 To see javascript error, you have to view your browser console, phprad does not handle that. my answer o the other forum was for PHP code having errors.


Re: Reference fields dynamically based on previous entry.

Reply #19
Sorry to say but is a NASTY BUG related with this feature, as follow:
1) In the PAGE-SCRIPTS.JS in case an event is sent to server al the time is written in the JS file as:
$('#ctrl-Field_Name').on('change', function(){ ...}
but WITHOUT "Table_Name" and this will duplicate the functions in JS file, because SAME FIELD named "ctrl-Field_Name" may appear in several Tables with different functions...
2) In this regard, you receive random-values depending on which function is executed.
Is a nasty bug !
Correct call into the PAGE-SCRIPTS.JS for the function should be written as:
$('#ctrl-Table_name.Field_Name').on('change', function(){ ...}

This is a VERY USEFUL functionality, please do a work around ...and let me know :)
This error may make the ClientEvent useless because of impredictibility described, which is bad because is a cool and useful functionality.

To better understand I'm giving you bellow a sample code from the Application.

;$('#ctrl-Cod_Unic_Linie_Buget').on('change', function(){
    let Cod_Unic_Linie_Buget = $(this).val();
function sendCimLinieBugetProiect(Cod_Unic_Linie_Buget){
    var data = {// We are trying to organize our data for the server
        codliniebuget: Cod_Unic_Linie_Buget
    //We now make an ajax post to the server
    var request = $.ajax({
        type: 'POST', // the type of request we are making.
        url: siteAddr+'api/getLinieBugetProiect/?csrf_token='+csrfToken, //our api link/url
        data: data, // the data we are sending to the server
        cache: false, // we dont want the request to be cached.
        //dataType: 'json' //the type of data we expect our api to return.
    // Now we check for response that will be gotten from the server.
    // Callback handler that will be called on success
    request.done(function (response, textStatus, jqXHR){

    // Now we check for errors we get when trying to make our post request.
    // Callback handler that will be called on failure (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
        // Log the error to the console
            "The following error occurred: "+
            textStatus, errorThrown
$('#ctrl-Cod_Unic_Linie_Buget').on('change', function(){
    let Cod_Unic_Linie_Buget = $(this).val();
function sendLinieBugetProiect(Cod_Unic_Linie_Buget){
    var data = {// We are trying to organize our data for the server
        codliniebuget: Cod_Unic_Linie_Buget
    //We now make an ajax post to the server
    var request = $.ajax({
        type: 'POST', // the type of request we are making.
        url: siteAddr+'api/getLinieBugetProiect/?csrf_token='+csrfToken, //our api link/url
        data: data, // the data we are sending to the server
        cache: false, // we dont want the request to be cached.
        //dataType: 'json' //the type of data we expect our api to return.
    // Now we check for response that will be gotten from the server.
    // Callback handler that will be called on success
    request.done(function (response, textStatus, jqXHR){
        $('#ctrl-Categorie').val("Something Else");
        $('#ctrl-Subcategorie').val("Random text");