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Topic: Displayed Path to Pages From Menu not Correct on Publishing to Web Server (Read 2766 times) previous topic - next topic

Displayed Path to Pages From Menu not Correct on Publishing to Web Server


Still evaluating and finding things real good but found :

1 The displayed path to pages not to be correct after publishing to the webserver as such looking for file that isn't existing, but works well on local server. It will point - and look for - as "myurl/Table/List" whereas the Table/List.php is actually located in "myurl/app/view/partial/Table/List". I tried changing the path during Menu Configuration but on publishing and moving to web server, the changes are not reflected.
 So I get the error message:

"404 - File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable"

2. My next problem will be how to connect to MySQL on the web.

My trial period is running out fast and I need this twThanks a lot.

Re: Displayed Path to Pages From Menu not Correct on Publishing to Web Server

Reply #1‍ 
1. Your issue is with your server not configured to handle .htaccess file, please contact your server administrator to provide you more info on that.
2. You need to provide phprad with your HOST, DATABASE NAME, DATABASE USERNAME, and DATABASE USER PASSWORD. Contact your server administrator to provide you info/connection details for your MySQL server. Usually, this tends to be your server IP, database name, database username, and password.

Re: Displayed Path to Pages From Menu not Correct on Publishing to Web Server

Reply #2
Hello Willvin,

I did get to my Server Administrator and see comments below:

"Please tell your developer that you are hosting your application on a windows server and we have already installed IIS URL Rewrite that will allow him use .htaccess"

How do I proceed?


Re: Displayed Path to Pages From Menu not Correct on Publishing to Web Server

Reply #3‍ since your server is a windows server and it is using a different URL rewrite pattern, I have converted the .htaccess file to its equivalent web.config file for your windows server. Please place the file in your server root, the same place the .htaccess file for your phprad project is located.

Let me know if it fixes your issue or if it does not.

Re: Displayed Path to Pages From Menu not Correct on Publishing to Web Server

Reply #4‍ I made a mistake. Please replace the content of the web.config file I said you should upload to your project root with this code, there is a syntax error in the previous one I sent to you.
Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                <rule name="Imported Rule 1" stopProcessing="true">
                    <match url="^(.*)$" />
                    <conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll">
                        <add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsFile" ignoreCase="false" negate="true" />
                        <add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsDirectory" ignoreCase="false" negate="true" />
                    <action type="Rewrite" url="index.php?request_uri={R:1}" appendQueryString="true" />

Re: Displayed Path to Pages From Menu not Correct on Publishing to Web Server

Reply #5
Dear Willvin,

Quite amazing, it's working now. Many thanks!

However, data from MySQL database is not displayed. The connection settings are alright. Is there anything else I need to do?
Remember, my PhPRad project runs well on local host. I view my tables from PhpMyAdmin.

Oh! It's mainly tables that have JOINS that are not displaying.

Thanks in advance.


Re: Displayed Path to Pages From Menu not Correct on Publishing to Web Server

Reply #7

Online: MySQL is 5.7.17; Php is 3.5.0
Local: MySQL is 5.7.24; Php is 4.8.4

Re: Displayed Path to Pages From Menu not Correct on Publishing to Web Server

Reply #9
Attahced screen shots FYA.

The issue is that records from Database Views are NOT showing when viewed through the web.

Re: Displayed Path to Pages From Menu not Correct on Publishing to Web Server

Reply #10

I attach herewith 2 screen shots: localhost and web.
The field Department looks up departments from a table Codes where CodeType = 'DEPT'.
While it runs well on localhost, the web doesn't and even cuts off other field after the Department.

On other "List" pages too, I discovered that if the datasource is joined to a Database View, the Page does not display at all.

I suspected update of the MYSQL but the Web Administrator is reluctant saying the problem is from my development.
Anyone encountered this before? Let me also add that I am using Trial Version of PhpRad.


Re: Displayed Path to Pages From Menu not Correct on Publishing to Web Server

Reply #12
But I had sent the screen shots.