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Topic: Composite primary key supported by PHPRAD? (Read 655 times) previous topic - next topic

Composite primary key supported by PHPRAD?


I have a table with a column Name (varchar) and a column Date (date)
The primary key is on both columns. So the combination of Name and Date is unique

The table is filled with records
The problem is :
In the list page everything looks normal
Ten records with the same name and different date.
If i chose view or edit of one of the ten records it always shows the first record, not the record with the focus.
In Mysql i made a new column recnr. Auto-increment. And made this the primary key.
So the primary key is now on one column
Back to the list page. Now the edit and view page shows the right record. The record with the focus.
Problem solved. But it is strange that PHPrad does not support composite primary keys.
Is my conclusion correct?