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Topic: All options in Phprad are available in PYRad and PhpRad / Vue? (Read 1408 times) previous topic - next topic

All options in Phprad are available in PYRad and PhpRad / Vue?

Hi guys

Just arrived at PHPrad today and it looks realy great!
I have three questions (for now :-) ), that i really need to understand.

1- does Php rad, PyRad and Php Vue have the same options? is it only the code language that change? Can i develop the same thing in all of them?

2- I have seen a video of a development and all is very good until... the developer creates a report!
it takes 2/3 of the video for something simple... it scared me a bit. Is it that dificult to create a simple repost in this systems?

3- i need to read/create a table with the content of a folder and its subfoldres and files, so i can link it to the product table. is this possible?

Thanks in advance!!!

Re: All options in Phprad are available in PYRad and PhpRad / Vue?

Reply #1

1. PHPrad Classic is the most updated, which means some features found it, is not available in Pyrad, NodeRad, and PHPrad Vue. Classic is the most up to date followed by PHPrad Vue and then Pyrad and NodeRad.

2. What type of report do you mean? It would also help if you can link the video you are talking about.

3. Please give a scenario or an example of what you mean.

Re: All options in Phprad are available in PYRad and PhpRad / Vue?

Reply #2

The video i´ve seen is the following:

I have a project that will go somehow like this:

1-the request enters my clients office and is "inserted" into the system (this one in PHP)

2- if the request goes ahead some files in Excel (very complex calculations) are created and saved in a central folder within a folder named "client_number" (..\Central_Folder\Clientenumber\ Some excel files)

3- the system  (PHP or a stored procedure in sql) will list all the folders within central folder and all the files)

4 - when i list the requests php will give some fields that are in the data base and a link/button to the excel files that have been created.

Thas it... (theres more, buts its beside the point!) :-)


Re: All options in Phprad are available in PYRad and PhpRad / Vue?

Reply #3
@jmsantos72‍ , if you read the description, it says "...from beginner to advance level in approximately 1hr 25mins.", which means you get the simple way to make an invoice and proceed to advance. Making it an advanced level report, made the video longer. The part of the video for making the master-detail relation for invoice and invoice items is not more than 2mins and the video does not have any continuation, it is just a single video for that. The "Tutorial 1:" you see as part of the video title is just a way for me to keep track of my videos. If you see "part 1" at the end of the video title it means it is divided into parts.

For your second question, if you do your complex calculation and store the file link in your database, phprad has a configuration to display file links as downloadable.


Re: All options in Phprad are available in PYRad and PhpRad / Vue?

Reply #4
Hi  willvin

Sorry for the delay. Been out of office...
Thanks for the clarification. I'll dive deeper into Phprad this weekend..
