Barcode / QR scanner October 25, 2019, 08:09:38 AM Hi, another idea, Give PHPRad ability to create Barcodes and QR codes. And like me, most of us have a smartphone capable to read them PHPRad should have a inbuilt reader also. It's a nice feature for software and for customers who o have to track products, deliverys.. This will create a lot of new possibilities..Awaiting for your feedbackTks Quote Selected Last Edit: October 25, 2019, 08:15:49 AM by lp_felix
Re: Barcode / QR scanner Reply #1 – April 12, 2022, 12:37:28 AM cordial saludo.nos pueden ayudar con la pregunta de: lp_felix ?, por favor, tambien requiero dar solucion, como se debe generar QR, en un forulario de datos, al momento de guardar, y luego visualizar ?, gracias por la valiosa gestion. Quote Selected