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Topic: Mixed form input (Read 1427 times) previous topic - next topic

Mixed form input

Hello, Im licensed now, wanna know how can i do a mixed form input

for example

Table orders
Add new order
                                 Record #   109109
                                  Customer: Listview -------------> Customer table choose
                                  Service:  Listview --------------- > Service table chooser
Need know how can i handle the listview to add data from other tables.

Thanks in advance

Re: Mixed form input

Reply #2
Hello, sorry I speak Spanish, what I need to do is a page that works like a loading form in a table.  Taking data from the table customers for example customer name, from the table services select a service and complete more manual data.  All this information load it in a new table called for example news.

Re: Mixed form input

Reply #4
Would some thing like this work for you ?



Re: Mixed form input

Reply #5
Are you talking about a 'lookup field'?

Suppose you have a data table 'customers'. Those customers have a property: nationality . To have users make similar choices, we can use a select with certain values as index and a description as text. I want to store an integer only, so not the text, in the customer table field nationality. I create another table: nationalities. There i store an ID and a descrpition. In the add and edit customer pages, i want the select filled with the index/value from the table nationality. In the other customer pages i want to see only the text, not the index.

EG both 'php generator for mysql'  and 'Code Charge Studio' have a standard field option called 'Lookup field'.

How can we do this in PHP Rad?


Re: Mixed form input

Reply #6
Hello, Im licensed now, wanna know how can i do a mixed form input hello I 5ink you are looking for lookup tables,go to the table you want to make a lookup table, that will be on the pages meny , click on add page and click on the table you want to lookup ,in that way,you can click on select and select datalistsource and set it up....for a better graphic view go to YouTube and search for wahome mutahi100 channel, you will see a but on how to do that

for example

Table orders
Add new order
                                 Record #   109109
                                  Customer: Listview -------------> Customer table choose
                                  Service:  Listview --------------- > Service table chooser
Need know how can i handle the listview to add data from other tables.

Thanks in advance

jaymoore stah