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Topic: Database Server Connection (Read 2435 times) previous topic - next topic

Database Server Connection

Good Evening
I am struggling to connect to my cpanel hosted mysql database.  I always get cant connect.  Has anyone had this problem.
Thank for any help.

Re: Database Server Connection

Reply #1
Please make sure that you have enable remote connection on your cpanel. This will allow external applications to connect to the database.

Re: Database Server Connection

Reply #2
Hi Emman thanks I have done that I can connect using Navicat and a few other thinks but not rad.  Some programmes I had to upload a file into the server like a tunnel or something to get connected not sure if this is the same.
Will have another check.

Re: Database Server Connection

Reply #3
Good morning
Checked my remote database access and added my ip but still no joy.  I'm putting my server host as my domain which works in other software.  Works fine in xammp but having to transfer every time is a bit of a pain.  It wont put me off buying licence next week though as quite impressed so far. :)

Re: Database Server Connection

Reply #4
Just an idea, as it happened to a friend who's also testing. He had an issue with SSL being disabled so he had to change the Server at the configuration to something like this:


Re: Database Server Connection

Reply #5
Will have a go at that later.  Is that in the config file of the app.?.  Strange it must be something like that as it doesn’t upload the files either.  Very strange as all other things work on my cpanel.
Thank you.

Re: Database Server Connection

Reply #6
Config file of the app you are generating or at PHPRad in the box where you configure the database info.

Just add the the IP + ; + SSLMODE=none;sslmode=none

Re: Database Server Connection

Reply #7
Really sorry to pester you.  Not sure what box to enter that code.  Have asked my hosting and they whitelisted my ip but still no good.  The setting when setting up a new rad project suggest localhost but I am putting my domain name.  Hope I am putting the correct settings in.  If anyone has time could they try my settings and see if any better luck.  Sorry really struggling now.  Never had this bother before.  Could it be the trial version that's causing it.  I see on the website all examples etc are using localhost and xammp.
Thanks for any help.

Re: Database Server Connection

Reply #8
Hi Alanfallow,
The trial version has all the features.
I would suggest if possible get the schema of your online database and work with on your local machine after which you can publish to the server.
Beside is not advisable to mess around with live database and server ports.

Re: Database Server Connection

Reply #10
File / New Project

In that first screen, where it's asking for the DB credentials on the right hand side..  in SERVER add the info as i told you before.


Re: Database Server Connection

Reply #11
Ok thanks yet again.  Turns out when the hosting added my ip to whitelist they left out one number so now working ok.  Maybe I can get to try it out better now.  Thanks for support.  Tutorials would be good on how to modify page layouts etc but will worry about that when I get more into it.
Thanks again.