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Topic: How to... simple 2 table (Account + Contacts) Master Detail CRUD Operations (Read 1114 times) previous topic - next topic

How to... simple 2 table (Account + Contacts) Master Detail CRUD Operations

I want to do the most common and basic thing here with just two basic tables to keep this simple
  • Accounts
  • Contacts

I will always have 1 Unique Account, and an Account will always have (one or more) Contacts. All I want to do is:
  • Create an Account
  • After Account creation, the ability to LIST, ADD, EDIT one or more contacts FROM THE ACCOUNT VIEW page
  • Contacts should show as a GRID with the columns I choose to display and paginated to something I can adjust like 10 to start
  • In the Contacts grid, I also want to have the ability to ADD more contacts, Edit existing listed ones, and delete them too
  • When in an individual Contact Edit Page, I should have a searchable LOOKUP back to the Account

I CANNOT get this to work altogether. I can only get the lookup working in the contacts. All examples I have seen always show MASTER DETAILS for a 1:1 not 1:∞/many.

AppGini and Phpmaker 2021 make this so simple, and I have spent all weekend desperately trying to figure this out with no success.


Re: How to... simple 2 table (Account + Contacts) Master Detail CRUD Operations

Reply #2
 :D  This worked for me.

PHPRad is very difficult to use as a new TRIAL user, because the learning curb is steep due to the documentation being weak, light, or just missing. Also, the lack of videos also makes it difficult to grasp hard concepts. Countless hours need to be spent playing and trying various combinations.  The official YouTube Channel for PHPRad is barely ok. English is bad or no language at all, and no structured way (PLAYLISTS) to zero in on what one may want to know or learn.

I think I would really like this application but my time investment learning it in the most inefficient manner is costing me way more than the cost of the actual application. Sad because I think it may be a hidden GEM amongst the low-code / no-code software solution offerings.  The price is almost identical to AppGini which is way easier to use. PHPRad has a better more polished look to the published code. A few more weeks and perhaps I will uncover all the secrets the product has to offer