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Topic: Menu without authentication (Read 1246 times) previous topic - next topic

Menu without authentication

Dear, I am testing the tool to make a purchase decision.
Create a project and add security, what I am trying is to show one or more menus to unauthenticated users and the rest to visiting users (without authentication), but I am not finding like this. I can access objects that were not given security, but I can't find how to edit the control through code.

It's possible?
Thank you very much for the help.

Re: Menu without authentication

Reply #2
Thank you very much for the reply. I saw that when applying the roles it generates an If and within the Else the routes with public access are not specified.
I modified the file and it worked, but this caused the system to stop updating this file.
I don't know how to fix it.


Re: Menu without authentication

Reply #3
@mramanolo‍ if you edit the file using the project explorer in phprad, you will notice that phprad gave you a notification asking you if you still want to continue editing the file manually. If you said yes phprad would exempt it from the list of file it will generate, if you said no phprad will continue to overwrite the file. if you said yes and want phprad to overwrite the file, click on the publish button on the top right, a window should pop up, on the left pane locate the file from the list of files and make sure the files checkbox is checked, then click publish at the bottom of the window. I should start generating the file.