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Messages - TomRutko

Bugs / Re: Error in the User roles permission 2.7.3
Understand but this SQL will Never never works in MySQL:
Cannot set auto_increament for varchar column:
ALTER TABLE "sys_roles" MODIFY COLUMN 'ID' varchar(255) auto_increament;

as well
default for Integer column in MySQL cannot be empty string:
ALTER TABLE "sys_users" MODIFY COLUMN 'RoleId' Integer(11) default '';

and those are the bug.
General Discussion / Re: client events datetimepicker
Thank you for your help.
defaultDate: Date.parse($(this).val(), 'Y-m-d H:i:S') <-- this works fine is well set up

minDate: Date.parse($(this).val(), 'Y-m-d H:i:S'), <-- is still not set up.

I use the latest - 2.7.3 version
Bugs / Error in the User roles permission 2.7.3
There is an error in the user rolse and permission in version 2.7.3
Application always try to change the fields in the table and makes it wrong.

First - why all the time try to change it??
I have Set up new table name for the Roles table, and Role Permitions as well new firld in the UserRole table - to let application generate it at all.
Each time I try click "Okey" button on the form " Manage User Roles Permition Tables" application try run SQL:
ALTER TABLE "sys_roles" MODIFY COLUMN 'ID' varchar(255) auto_increament;
ALTER TABLE "sys_roles" MODIFY COLUMN 'ID' Integer(11);

the other bug is that when I specify existing tables for the Roles and existing table for the Permissions then aplication try to change my RoldId field:
ALTER TABLE "sys_users" MODIFY COLUMN 'RoleId' Integer(11) default '';
of course default cannot be empty string for the Integer field

Please fix that asap as its impossible to use that.

General Discussion / client events datetimepicker
I have Add form with StartDate and EndDate. I want to set up check that when StartDate is set to e.g. 2020-05-09 then EndDate cannot be set to Date before that StartDate and suggest automatically that EndDate is the same as StartDate.
I want to use the ClientEvents but cannot set the dateTime via this. I can read and alert the values.

Can someone help please?

$('#ctrl-StartDate').on('change', function(){
                //do something like
                //var ctrlVal = $(this).val();
alert($('#ctrl-StartDate').val());  <-- this works
alert($('#ctrl-EndDate').val());  <-- this works
alert($(this).val());  <-- this works
                $('#ctrl-EndDate').val($(this).val());<-- this does not work
                $('#ctrl-EndDate').val($('#ctrl-StartDate').val());<-- this does not work
                $('#ctrl-EndDate').datepicker('setDate', new Date(2020,5,9));<-- this does not work