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Messages - gencylegaspi

General Discussion / SQL Error

Somebody please help me with this error.

I am trying to make a bar chart with this statement.

SELECT  COUNT(h.hhid) AS count_of_males FROM hhoccupants AS h WHERE  (h.gender  ="M" )

After pressing OK button, I got this error. Tried so many possibilities but no success at all.

"Cannot Parse The SQL Statement. Error: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index"

Can't identify the source of error specially this is just a Gender field with varchar(1) either "M" or "F"

Thank you.
General Discussion / Global Variable

Is there a storage for global variables that can be use in the PHP Statement Before and After Adding a record.

General Discussion / Re: Code Snippet not working
it is okay now.
I got a sample from Mr. Willvin

$('input[type=radio]').change(function () {
    if ($(this).val() == 'N') {
        } else {

Thanks again Mr. Willvin
General Discussion / Code Snippet not working
trying to hide this field when clicked.
but it won't work.
I just create a simple function to check whether it will work or not.

it is a radio selection, choosing 'Y' or 'N' only

$('#ctrl-hof').on('click', function(){
