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Messages - Mohammad

Suggestions / Re: Error handling in PHPRD
hi Willvin ,

can please help to sort this problem . in the Localhost server when i accessing the import or export the file i got error 500
php is not getting the database and csrf_token=371ce9edfeeb98c14a46d27583c219ec  casing  .htacss  is denied Apache .

Same thing is happening when i upload the database application in live server its same problem .i did the enable function of htacess but doesn't work .\\

it will highly appreciated in advance for helping . i intend to buy license but im not happy to see its not functional  .


Suggestions / Re: Error handling in PHPRD
Hello , Please check below code #

 * Index Page Controller
 * @category  Controller
class IndexController extends BaseController{
   function __construct(){
      $this->tablename = "users";
     * Index Action
     * @return null
   function index(){
      if(user_login_status() == true){
   private function login_user($username , $password_text, $rememberme = false){
      $db = $this->GetModel();
      $username = filter_var($username, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
      $db->where("user_name", $username)->orWhere("email", $username);
      $tablename = $this->tablename;
      $user = $db->getOne($tablename);
         //Verify User Password Text With DB Password Hash Value.
         //Uses PHP password_verify() function with default options
         $password_hash = $user['password'];
         $this->modeldata['password'] = $password_hash; //update the modeldata with the password hash
              unset($user['password']); //Remove user password. No need to store it in the session
            set_session("user_data", $user); // Set active user data in a sessions
            //if Remeber Me, Set Cookie
            if($rememberme == true){
               $sessionkey = time().random_str(20); // Generate a session key for the user
               //Update user session info in database with the session key
               $db->where("id", $user['id']);
               $res = $db->update($tablename, array("login_session_key" => hash_value($sessionkey)));
                  set_cookie("login_session_key", $sessionkey); // save user login_session_key in a Cookie
               clear_cookie("login_session_key");// Clear any previous set cookie
            $redirect_url = get_session("login_redirect_url");// Redirect to user active page
               return $this->redirect($redirect_url);
               return $this->redirect(HOME_PAGE);
            //password is not correct
            return $this->login_fail("Username or password not correct");
         //user is not registered
         return $this->login_fail("Username or password not correct");
     * Display login page with custom message when login fails
     * @return BaseView
   private function login_fail($page_error = null){
     * Login Action
     * If Not $_POST Request, Display Login Form View
     * @return View
   function login($formdata = null){
         $modeldata = $this->modeldata = $formdata;
         $username = trim($modeldata['username']);
         $password = $modeldata['password'];
         $rememberme = (!empty($modeldata['rememberme']) ? $modeldata['rememberme'] : false);
         $this->login_user($username, $password, $rememberme);
         $this->set_page_error("Invalid request");
     * Insert new record into the user table
    * @param $formdata array from $_POST
     * @return BaseView
   function register($formdata = null){
         $request = $this->request;
         $db = $this->GetModel();
         $tablename = $this->tablename;
         $fields = $this->fields = array("user_name","password","email","photo","status"); //registration fields
         $postdata = $this->format_request_data($formdata);
         $cpassword = $postdata['confirm_password'];
         $password = $postdata['password'];
         if($cpassword != $password){
            $this->view->page_error[] = "Your password confirmation is not consistent";
         $this->rules_array = array(
            'user_name' => 'required',
            'password' => 'required',
            'email' => 'required|valid_email',
            'photo' => 'required',
            'status' => 'required',
         $this->sanitize_array = array(
            'user_name' => 'sanitize_string',
            'email' => 'sanitize_string',
            'photo' => 'sanitize_string',
            'status' => 'sanitize_string',
         $this->filter_vals = true; //set whether to remove empty fields
         $modeldata = $this->modeldata = $this->validate_form($postdata);
         $password_text = $modeldata['password'];
         //update modeldata with the password hash
         $modeldata['password'] = $this->modeldata['password'] = password_hash($password_text , PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
         //Check if Duplicate Record Already Exit In The Database
         $db->where("user_name", $modeldata['user_name']);
            $this->view->page_error[] = $modeldata['user_name']." Already exist!";
         //Check if Duplicate Record Already Exit In The Database
         $db->where("email", $modeldata['email']);
            $this->view->page_error[] = $modeldata['email']." Already exist!";
            $rec_id = $this->rec_id = $db->insert($tablename, $modeldata);
               $this->login_user($modeldata['email'] , $password_text);
      $page_title = $this->view->page_title = "Add New Users";
      return $this->render_view("index/register.php");
     * Logout Action
     * Destroy All Sessions And Cookies
     * @return View
   function logout($arg=null){
Suggestions / Error handling in PHPRD
hi , anyone can help me i got this problem

Error 500
Server Error

Exception Traces
This will only be displayed in DEVELOPMENT_MODE.
Error Message   SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '= 'sam' LIMIT 1' at line 1
File   C:\xampp\htdocs\myproject\app\models\PDODb.php On Line 1045
Stack Trace   1 C:\xampp\htdocs\myproject\app\models\PDODb.php(1045): PDOStatement->execute()
2 C:\xampp\htdocs\myproject\app\models\PDODb.php(1079): PDODb->get('manifet', 1, '*')
3 C:\xampp\htdocs\myproject\app\controllers\IndexController.php(28): PDODb->getOne('manifet')
4 C:\xampp\htdocs\myproject\app\controllers\IndexController.php(88): IndexController->login_user('sam', 'admin', false)
5 C:\xampp\htdocs\myproject\system\Router.php(196): IndexController->login(Array)
6 C:\xampp\htdocs\myproject\system\Router.php(109): Router->run('index/login/')
7 C:\xampp\htdocs\myproject\index.php(106): Router->init()