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Messages - NCIS

Questions / Re: Pagination
Thanks for the feedback. In that case I will pass on PHPRad as the look and feel plays just as huge role for us as functionality. To each time custom code or manipulate grid layouts when you update the project does not make sense. But anyhow, overall, nice application, a pity we cannot commit financially.
Questions / Pagination
I have started with PHPRad and love it so far until I get to a point where look and feel comes into play. So far regarding the DB etc, no problems but what bugs me is that below tables you can enable 'export' btn's, pagination and page/record navigation. All fine getting those active.

My question is how to have the 'export' btn left aligned or in a col-4, record set count in col-4 (aligned-center) and record navigation in col-4 (aligned right). If I generate my page with those settings active, the record count block seems off-center and the page navigation the same.