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Messages - radminer

Bugs / Re: Re. __htmleditorplugincss
Project cannot be previewed with default configurations -  default configurations where not changed.
No idea what might be causing this, suggestions on what exactly might be causing this would be appreciated. 
@radminer‍ once you create your project, please preview the project with the default configurations, if possible save the project before working on it or making any configuration changes.
Bugs / Re. __htmleditorplugincss
Receiving this error after publishing an application with PHPRad Version 2.6.4:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '__htmleditorplugincss' (T_STRING) in C:\Users\Admin\Projects\Web\sandbox\students\app\views\layouts\main_layout.php on line 19

*** File main_layout.php:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" />
      <meta charset="<?php echo PAGE_CHARSET ?>">
      <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php print_link(SITE_FAVICON); ?>" />
         Html ::  page_title(SITE_NAME);
         Html ::  page_meta('theme-color',META_THEME_COLOR);
         Html ::  page_meta('author',META_AUTHOR);
         Html ::  page_meta('keyword',META_KEYWORDS);
         Html ::  page_meta('description',META_DESCRIPTION);
         Html ::  page_meta('viewport',META_VIEWPORT);
         Html ::  page_css('__pagefontcss.css');
         Html ::  page_css('animate.css');
         Html ::  page_css('bootstrap-vue.min.css');
         Html ::  page_css('vue-form-wizard.css');
General Discussion / Re: Custom Search Form
As an example of a multi-page edit form;

A patient table that has 80 fields - the first 20 fields are for demographics, the next 60 fields are for patient historical data:

When initially adding patient data, the patient demographics data page should proceed the historical data page - it should
not be possible to enter (record update) patient historical data prior to entering (record insert) patient demographics data first.

Does that make sense?

@radminer‍ please make your question clearer.
General Discussion / Re: Custom Search Form
As an example of a multi-page edit form;

A patient table that has 80 fields - the first 20 fields are for demographics, the next 60 fields are for patient historical data:

When initially adding patient data, the patient demographics data page should proceed the historical data page - it should
not be possible to entering patient  historical data prior to entering patient demographics data first.

Does that make sense?

General Discussion / Re: Custom Search Form

That application feature I'm aware of; but would all the edit pages (for a mult-page table edit) be disabled prior to the table
record being initially added? Has anyone tried this successfully with PHPRad?

@radminer,‍ follow steps 1 and 2 in the image below to add extra pages like Add, Edit, List and View Page for a given table.

For more info:👇
PHPRad Documentation
PHPRad API Documentation
General Discussion / Re: Custom Search Form
Being able to create multi-edit screens for the same database table would be an excellent feature addition - provided it cannot
be done currently with PHPRAD,


Is it possible then to create a custom search page - not associated with any database - with (as an example) a lastname field.
After pressing the Submit/OK button, the system is then directed to the employee list page which accepts the lastname value (passed in from the custom search page) and displays the matching employees.

[quote author
@radminer‍ No, it is currently not possible.
=radminer link=msg=1541 date=1571759798]

Is it also possible to initially prevent the employee list from showing, and then display matching employee results *after* the lastname to search on is submitted?

@radminer‍ do the following to add a custom search filter component.
1. Click on Page Design.
2. Select the page you want to add the search component.
3. Drag the search field from the Page Filter Component to the area numbered 4 in the image below, configure and enjoy.

Note: Search field Page Filter Components will only work on List Pages.
General Discussion / Re: Custom Search Form

Is it possible then to create a custom search page - not associated with any database - with (as an example) a lastname field.
After pressing the Submit/OK button, the system is then directed to the employee list page which accepts the lastname value (passed in from the custom search page) and displays the matching employees.

[quote author=radminer link=msg=1541 date=1571759798]

Is it also possible to initially prevent the employee list from showing, and then display matching employee results *after* the lastname to search on is submitted?

@radminer‍ do the following to add a custom search filter component.
1. Click on Page Design.
2. Select the page you want to add the search component.
3. Drag the search field from the Page Filter Component to the area numbered 4 in the image below, configure and enjoy.

Note: Search field Page Filter Components will only work on List Pages.
General Discussion / Re: Custom Search Form

Is it also possible to initially prevent the employee list from showing, and then display matching employee results *after* the lastname to search on is submitted?

@radminer‍ do the following to add a custom search filter component.
1. Click on Page Design.
2. Select the page you want to add the search component.
3. Drag the search field from the Page Filter Component to the area numbered 4 in the image below, configure and enjoy.

Note: Search field Page Filter Components will only work on List Pages.
General Discussion / Re: postgres with schemes
Sounds like a potential driver issue.

Also, regarding Schemas and Privileges:

By default, users cannot access any objects in schemas they do not own. To allow that, the owner of the schema must grant the USAGE privilege on the schema. To allow users to make use of the objects in the schema, additional privileges might need to be granted, as appropriate for the object.
Hello everyone.
Today I started using PHPRad with postgres, but when selecting a database that I have already created, it indicates that it is without tables. My database uses schemas, but it seems I can't read them (more than 100 tables in different schemas)
Can someone help me or tell me what I can do to fix it?
Thank you.
General Discussion / Custom Search Form
How can a custom search form be created?

  An example might be:

  Supply a value for an employee lastname.
  Press the 'Submit' or 'OK' button.
  A list of matching employee's (with the same lastname) are listed.