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Messages - mergoktas

General Discussion / how to write automatically to textbox
I want to write some data on textbox according to previous entries by user.

for example when user select his emlpoyee number from selectionbox  it must be written employee name to textbox.

I use dynamic select lookup for this purpose, but nothing written on textbox. If I use selection box instedaf of textbox data is shown but user must select it.

How can I use textbox for this job?

General Discussion / Re: chained selection
I tested same situation on VueJS Edition. But same disappoinment.

On VueJS edition, values are populated on second listbox according to first selected value. But on the third selection box nothing apperaed.

For example when you select continent on first selection box, on the second selection box the countries of selected continent appears without any problem, but when you wish to select cities on the third selection box according to second selection box nothing appears.

General Discussion / Re: chained selection
is there any news about bug fixed new release.

I waited  long time on friday but it seems there is nothing change.

 Still phprad cant create dynamic lookup through varchar fields.
General Discussion / Re: chained selection
I think there is a problem about matching two VARCHAR fields  dynamically on PHPRAD.

I can not anymore solve the problem. This must not be difficult like this.

There is no any mistake about me. And also there is not any satisfied tutorial or documentation.

So, I have a serious doubt about purchasing after trial.

Searching for alternatives now
General Discussion / Re: chained selection
@Emman  thanks for reply.
it seems no problem about matching field and dependent field. Dependent field is current selected value of the field "program kodu" and matching field corresponds same value on projects table.

So, both fields are VARCHAR, ,it can be any problem about being varchar. Can cause problem on matching two fields.

I can not solve this issue. if you can help me I would be greaty appereciated on you.
General Discussion / Re: chained selection
@willvin thanks for reply.

I could not solve the issue.

according to selected value of 1. field (Program Kodu), I want to populate 2. select list. For this purpose I used a dynamic select lookup but did not solve.  screenshot is below.

projeler is table that I want to populates values from there. program_kodu is correspondent column of field 1.

any help greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot.

General Discussion / varchar fields on dynamic lookup
Hi everyone,

I have a table named department (dep_id, dep_name) and another table named employee (emp_dep_id, emp_id,emp_name).

So, I added new table named childiren that stores employess children information.

On the add page of this table I want to do when user first select a department of employee, he must see just an employees who works in that department.

How can I do this.

Thank you.