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Messages - jfgonzalez

Questions / Re: What are the accepted "Query Params"
thank u for the answers.
this is form
OptionList1: Countrys
OptionList2: States
OptionList3: Cities

1. Select id,name from countrys
2. select id_state,name from states where id_country=xxx
3. select id_citie,name from cities where id_country=abc and id_state=jmk

For second option list its working but third Not.
My answer is how i can get values from elements selected an run query
Questions / Re: Field datasource with conditional
Hi, Do you have any solution for this :
My goal is to figure if something like this is doable with current PHPRad tools, maybe with query parms, as I see something like this $lookup_country is added to query params in the case of simple scenarios. Would be possible to add 2 and make the query more complex