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Messages - PLUR

Bugs / sqltext in controller for Custom View is missing DOUBLE QUOTES
Bug Report for
Variable $sqltext in Controller for Custom View is missing opening and closing  DOUBLE QUOTES.

 * CustomViewTEST Page Controller
 * @category  Controller
class CustomViewTESTController extends SecureController{
     * Custom Load Record Action
     * @return View
   function index(){
      $db = $this->GetModel();
      $sqltext = "   select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS  id, field1, fiel2 from table1   " ;

Bugs / Bug for Excel Export in Reports
Bug for button Excel Export in Reports

Opening and closing TABLE tag is missing in file:

Lines 148 and 150

excelFile += "</head>";
excelFile += "<body><table>";
excelFile += excel;
excelFile += "</table></body>";
excelFile += "</html>";