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Messages - HealthTech

General Discussion / Filter List Page by Organization ID
I have two tables with these fields and there will be multiple users from each organization.

users > orgID
projects > orgID

I need to build a List Page with only records from orgID. I don't see how to do this.
General Discussion / FormatRecordField error
When formatting an INT or DECIMAL field with to_number it creates the following error. A similar error happens using to_currency('en_US') format.

Notice: Use of undefined constant to_number - assumed 'to_number' in D:\Bitnami\wampstack-7.1.27-1\apache2\htdocs\valuemax\app\controllers\ProjectsController.php on line 46

General Discussion / Database Custom View Error
Hello. I am well experienced with PHP and MySQL, however new to PHPRad.

When creating a custom Database View with two tables linked and adding a custom Edit Page, it will not allow me to select any fields and errors "cannot Add or Edit Database View and Custom View".  How can I create Edit and Delete custom pages that will work?

Also, the custom List Page view does not include the Edit or Delete icon buttons even though they are set in the Page Properties. What could be causing this?