some suggestions: Did you take care, that uploading files did not change case of filenames (C vs. c ...)? Did you make sure, all files have been uploaded? Ans of course all subdirectories? Did you try to upload as text or as binary files? Did you try a different ftp client? What happens, when you actually do NOT upload the .htaccess? Any errors? Is there enough webspace for you?
Maybe something to know: What is your local test environment? What is the real environment? Both apache? Did you check for permissions on the uploaded files? Probably folders: 755 and files 644 (just a quick test on my environment)
Maby there was a Windows update which wrecks creation of all files?
In the folder I have (see list below) which seem to be general phprad files. AccountController.php ApiController.php ComponentsController.php ErrorsController.php FilehelperController.php HomeController.php IndexController.php InfoController.php PasswordmanagerController.php ReportController.php
as well as files matching my tables: FController.php KController.php MController.php TaController.php ZeController.php
it would be great, if one could use the siteaddress in the email template(s) (example: for password reset ... file app\controllers\PasswordmanagerController.php ). This way the developer can prepare on a development domain and ship to the customer without adjusting anything.
I notice that the \app\views\partials\passwordmanager\password_reset_email_template.html is not completely translates. Also password_reset_form.php in the same folder shows untranslated placeholder texts.
Another problem arises after reset: in password_reset_completed.php (same folder) the link on the button to the login page does not work. instead of index/login it should read only /
Also the mail subject is not translates (in app\controllers\PasswordmanagerController.php : password reset).
in \assets\js\vue-script.js there locale can be defined. I guess this should be done by phprad according to the seetings at development time and - if the user switches the language, this JS variable should be overwritten.
I notice, that the calendar is not translated and shows only english text. Looking at the files, it looks like \assets\js\flatpickr.min.js and \assets\js\vue-bundle.js
I have a rule, that the max length of a field must not be greater 13 characters. If I enter more - the message is untranslated (see attached screenshot).
I notice, in My Account, submenu Change Email Address the headline Change Email Address (also hint in field untranslated) is not translated (the menu text is localized though).