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Messages - Welisson

Questions / Erros when upload to server.
My site works perfectly in localhost, but when I upload to a online server, this show:

Code: [Select]
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in /public_html/index.php on line 17

index.php line 17:
Code: [Select]
I fix the first error commenting the line, like this:
Code: [Select]

But after fix it, a new error is displayed:
Code: [Select]
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in /public_html/index.php on line 82

Index.php line 82:
Code: [Select]
$csrf_token = $csrf :: $token; 

How to solve this? Thank's.

Bugs / Re: drop down menu
I do not understand what you said. Tente falar em português  :D  ;) . When the User Hole is active, the menus will only appear for users who have permission. Additionally, these menus must have a destination link for a page. You can set this in the menu.
Bugs / Authentication Page Bug

When we set the table for user registration and login, if this table is not exactly "account", an "account index" page shows many errors. This is because, somehow, even if the database table is, for example, "users_", the code continues to look for a table named "account". This can be manually corrected in app\views\partials\account\view.php.
Bugs / Order rows not moving
Hello, in Edit Pages when try to order database rows using "Move up" or "Move Down" arrows buttons, the fields not move. This not occurs in the List page, only in Edit page.
Define a user role and set minimum of two levels: Administrator and User. Restrict default users to access "Users edit page". (Defina un rol de usuario y establezca un mínimo de dos niveles: Administrador y Usuario. Restringir a los usuarios predeterminados para acceder a "editar página de usuario")
Bugs / Re: Access to the login page even when the user is logged in.
When the user is logged in and type in address bar: "my_site / index /" the user return to the login page again. I believe that code need to verify the state of login, and in case of user is logged in, the login page performs a automatic redirection to the home page.

Solution: Open the file "\app\views\ partials\index\index.php and add the following code:

Code: [Select]
                 if(user_login_status() == true )
Bugs / Access to the login page even when the user is logged in.
When the user is logged in and type in address bar: "my_site / index /" the user return to the login page again. I believe that code need to verify the state of login, and in case of user is logged in, the login page performs a automatic redirection to the home page.
Questions / How to add Logout link into menu?
I'am trying to put logout link in menu area. This is the part of the code:

Code: [Select]
'path' => 'index/logout?csrf_token='.Csrf::$token,
'label' => 'Exit',
'icon' => '<i class="fa fa-door"></i>'

But it's not working. Can someone help me?
Bugs / PHP RAD Classic 2.4.7 Uploader.php getting error on upload a image

When you try to view an image that was loaded the following error is displayed:
Code: [Select]
Warning: stripos() expects parameter 1 to be string array given in ...libs\ Uploader.php in line 169 

Uploader.php line 169 code:

The error disappears if I delete these lines.
Code: [Select]
 if(!empty($options['extensions'])  && $options['extensions'] != '*'){
                if(stripos($options['extensions'], strtolower($file['extension'])) === false){
                    $errors[] = $this->error_messages['accept_file_types'];

What would be the best solution? Thank's  in advance