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Messages - ica-net

Suggestions / Impressive Work
Dear Emman,

I checked PHPMaker, PHPrunner and RADPHP on last weekend and yes, I'm really, Really, REALLY IMPRESSED!

You're a little genious  8) , now it's "only" the version 2.3 (classic version) but there is yet so much stuff which speeds up the development of simple database applications, it's amazing. I developed an simple application in five hours witch would burn down  multiple days without any tools. And compared with PHPrunner and PHPmaker ... ok ... not really compareable, they have only 3-6 interesseting features which you will have implemented soon. So RADPHP it's more like Microsoft Access for Webbased Applications. For SMBs with demand for simple GUIs or simple prototyping it works perfect. RADPAP ist closing a gap.

And the best thing: I'm sure you have a road map in your mind which will increase the features and abilities drastically.

Currently I'm very delighted. But you wrote about two years of hard work and I'm sure it was. So enjoy my chorus of praise. :)

I donate ~ 80$ via paypal and will buy the professional version, even if we're only 2,5 developers.

I'm quite interested in the situation of your business, especially regarding the question what people can do to speed up the further development for bugfixing 2.3 and the further development to version 3.x. (Please send me an PM.)

Kindly from Berlin/Germany