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Messages - Shin74

Bugs / Re: Error trying to display sql joined fields...
After talking to him on chat he gave me that version, I dont't exactly remember what we talk about, I suppose for Italian language translation.... I though that was a parallel different version... You mean I should use the 2.5.7?
Bugs / Re: Error trying to display sql joined fields...
P.S. I'm using PHP Rad Classic 2.0 that emman gave me some days ago... I also found that the property ExportButton=False do not work, I still have the button on the pages...
Bugs / Error trying to display sql joined fields...
Hi, on a table list view I just wanted to extract one more field, I setup the JOIN properties for the query in the WHERE property and all the field o the joined table appeared correctly, but when I open the page in the browser I obtain a "NOTICE: UNDEFINED INDEX: FieldNameXXX" for each field. The joined field are missing in the $data array. What's wrong? Thank you.