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Messages - bluesun08

General Discussion / Re: No record found

in the end i could solve the problem:

1.  Activate the mod_rewrite module.
2. Change "AllowOverride All"
3. setsebool httpd_can_network_connect 1
4. setsebool httpd_can_network_connect_db 1


General Discussion / Re: No record found
Sorry, but i don't understand. What do you mean exactly?

My backround: I own a vserver with mysql, php, apache2 and i have my own domain.

I create a project and save this on my local pc.  In the "Database Server Configuration" i added the mysql-data of my vserver. Then i uploaded the created files with FileZilla in the http-directory of my vserver. Then i get the error-message "no record found"

But on the other side when i test the project with Xampp on my local pc, then everything works (in this case i also make a mysql access to my vserver).

PS: I assume the first "not found" message is a "404 Not found" error.  
General Discussion / No record found

when i create a new project and use Xampp on my local host everything runs ok.
But when i upload a project on my internet server i get the following error message:
Not found
No record found
See also the screenshot attached.

What could be the problem here?

