General Discussion / Re: PHPRAD still exist or dying ?
(I've just downloaded 2.5.8, but will wait to hear from others as to it's bug fixes)
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I see Roles and Users as two menu items in your application. Have you created a separate table for Roles? Are you providing dynamic role creation? How you achieved that with PHPRad?
* Determine if the provided value is a valid phone number.
* Usage: '<index>' => 'phone_number'
* @param string $field
* @param array $input
* @return mixed
* Examples:
* 555-555-5555: valid
* 5555425555: valid
* 555 555 5555: valid
* 1(519) 555-4444: valid
* 1 (519) 555-4422: valid
* 1-555-555-5555: valid
* 1-(555)-555-5555: valid
protected function validate_phone_number($field, $input, $param = null)
if (!isset($input[$field]) || empty($input[$field])) {
$regex = '/^(\d[\s-]?)?[\(\[\s-]{0,2}?\d{3}[\)\]\s-]{0,2}?\d{3}[\s-]?\d{4}$/i';
if (!preg_match($regex, $input[$field])) {
return array(
'field' => $field,
'value' => $input[$field],
'rule' => __FUNCTION__,
'param' => $param,