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Messages - Abbadon1334

Bugs / Account - Generation files JS variable case error
i don't know if it is a general bug or there is something wrong with my installation.

Application generates a javascript variable case error :
Code: [Select]
	var accountEditComponent = Vue.component('accountEdit', {

Code: [Select]
	var accountViewComponent = Vue.component('accountView', {

They are called from main_layout.php :
Code: [Select]
				{ path: '/account/edit', name: 'accountedit' , component: AccountEditComponent },
{ path: '/account', name: 'accountview' , component: AccountViewComponent },

This happen only for the account section of the project, but is called in index file and remains in loading state. Console output an obvious error : "ReferenceError: AccountEditComponent is not defined"

After generation if view.php and edit.php are modified with the correct case all is working, but this is not the solution.

Even if i think the problem is in the software i leave my actual configuration.

S.O. Windows 10
PHPRad v.
Publish directory is a network drive on our intranet linux server with samba
Apache MPM Event
Mysql 8.0

Bugs / confirmation email procedure, missing file : default_layout.php
in app/controllers/indexController.php from line 218 to 237
Code: [Select]

$mailer=new Mailer;
if($mailer->send_mail($email,$mailtitle,$mailbody) == true){

$this->view->render("index/emailverification.php" , $view_data , "default_layout.php");

$this->view->render("index/emailverification.php" , $view_data , "default_layout.php");

$this->view->render("errors/error_general.php" ,"Email is Already Verified","default_layout.php");
$this->view->render("errors/error_general.php" ,"Email is not Registered","default_layout.php");

the view is set to render using default_layout.php, but the file is not generated during Publish.

All flow as intended putting the missing file : default_layout.php in app/views/layouts duplicating main_layout.php or info_layout.php