set the required to false and then you can use js to set it to required or not. Setting required to true, will throw errors as the server is also expecting that field, but if you make it not required, the server code will not be expecting that field.
Ok Wilvin , I Would Try your sugestion. Anyway thanks
By configuring it in the record management section. if you configured record management for the page, below the configuration you would see the section to give different roles access to view all records. Note: if you are using dynamic roles it might not work for you,<b> as it has a bug.</b>
Hi Willvin, Thanks for Suggestion. I've got the answer myself, but I haven't posted it here. PHPRAD behavior that needs attention, perhaps for other new users who have problems like me is:
1. When using Dynamic Role Permission, never forget to re-check the check all toggle in the dynamic menu, every time we make changes / add new page menus. 2. In the menu tree for the main menu category that does not have pages, in the properties (path) menu, please select (/)
Hello RAD friends. I just started learning about phprad. I have a problem with the Project Tree submenu if I activate the role permission function, the display on the side bar or top menu will disappear except the HOME menu, but everything runs normally if I disable the role permission function. I have tried reading the instructions document, googling and browsing old posts related to this problem, but it does not provide enlightenment or a solution.
I really hope that wise friends in this community will take the time to solve the problem I am facing. I really appreciate your time to explain the correct way to use this role permission function. Thank You