Hi, Is there any example how to use ACTION BEFORE ADD?
what i want is :
1.- MAke a query to validate if date input EXIST on Database or IS in a RANGE: $db->rawQuery("UPDATE posts SET view_count=view_count + 1 WHERE id='$rec_id'");
I've been browsing for several days both on Google and in this community, but until now I haven't found a solution to why the textarea property useHTMLeditor is not working as it should.
If anyone has successfully implemented it, please share..... and I will be very grateful
I actually avoid using the timestamp, because what I want is to record the change_date only if the price field changes. if the user changes other fields besides the price field then the change_date should not change.
Hi... can anyone help me. I just want to make automatically change a date (date-picker: tgl_perubahan) value to today when user change the price (harga_satuan) value. This is my script on clientevents:
$(document.body).on('change',"#ctrl-Customer",function (e) { var pro = $("#ctrl-Customer option:selected").text();
let arrCust = pro.split(' | ');
var dd = document.getElementById('ctrl-Sales'); for (var i = 0; i < dd.options.length; i++) { if (dd.options[i].value === arrCust[1]) { dd.selectedIndex = i; break; } }
//Isi Field Sesuai nilai array $('input[name="Limit_Kredit"]').val(arrCust[2]); $('input[name="Total_Piutang"]').val(arrCust[3]); $('input[name="Tempo_Pembayaran"]').val(arrCust[4]); $('input[name="Contact_Person"]').val(arrCust[5]);
//Tampilkan Nilai PPN var nppn = 0; var hppn = arrCust[6]; hppn = hppn.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm,''); if (hppn === "Y") { nppn = 10; } else { nppn = 0; } $('input[name="PPN"]').val(nppn);
//Set Tanggal Tempo Pembayaran varTempo = arrCust[4] setTglTempo();
//Hitung Total nilaiPPN = nppn; hitungTotal(); });
$(document.body).on('change', 'input[name="Tgl_Rencana_Kirim"]', function() { //Set Tanggal Tempo Pembayaran setTglTempo(); });
$(document.body).on('change keyup input', 'input[name="Tempo_Pembayaran"]', function() { //Set Tanggal Tempo Pembayaran varTempo = $(this).val(); setTglTempo(); });
function setTglTempo() { var trk = new Date(document.getElementById('ctrl-Tgl_Rencana_Kirim').value);
Hi Erwin & Willvin.... Can you share here the solutions of the topics (Chart not Display), so anyone who facing the same issue can get the solution either. Thanks....
I try to use graph component in dashboard, but the result is blank box (not displaying anything). And then i try to use phprad from radysystem using the same database & query, the result is good (graph displayed)
This is the script of graph that i copy from inspector :