in address table, it happens when I add page using properties -> Master form and master field fields. ( #3 picture)
In addition, the same result is obtained in whichever add page section I use the Dynamictablerow feature alone, and there is a shift in the rows every time. When I want to save 4 lines, it only saves the first and last lines. ( #4-5-6 picture)
I have no problem inserting my data into tables. But when I click the + button in the 1st picture, the lines shift as in the 2nd picture. Is there a way to fix this or am I doing something wrong?
I solved the problem, I had a mistake in my query. It was solved when the code was as follows. Maybe it will be useful to someone in the future.
"SELECT CONCAT (products.model,\" \" , colors.color ,\" \", sizes.size) AS label, AS value FROM ( (products INNER JOIN colors ON products.colorsID = INNER JOIN sizes ON products.sizeID = ORDER BY products.model ASC"
Hello, my knowledge of php and sql is very beginner level. I'm doing a test run and my problem is that in a sales form, I can't see multiple fields in the products table as a lookup.
In the 1st picture there are database tables.
The product field information in the sales form is taken from the product table. I get the model field from the pruduct table, I get the colorID from the product table and the color from the color table, and the sizeID from the product table and the size information from the size table. I want to select the product selection box in the sales form as a list, but this field is blank when I use custom sql.
My custom sql query is running in the sql management program. As seen in the last picture.