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Messages - Eiju015

Questions / PHP is not recognized as an internal or external command
good day guys,

i have a problem  :'(  :'( . i create a new project connected to mysql workbench on server  when im setting it up everything went fine
but when i  tried to preview and publish my project there is a cmd popping in and says "  PHP is not recognized as an internal or external command  " i made some troubleshooting like inlcuding in

edit and update : ive done something but still the issue remain  i mistakenly put the it on system variable instead of variables and   i forgot to tell that from my pc  im connecting my database to mysql workbench on server indicating a servername: ' ' and port : 3306 when i test the connection it is working . but when i try to publish the work a cmd pops up says now :  "Listening on http://localhost:80
Document root is C:\php-proj\svr "
Questions / Responder on Incoming message
Good day to all ,

First of all sorry for my bad English.  I'm a new guy here and  i just recently use PHPRAD  for quite some time I'm getting a hang on it and really hooked up because it was very easy to use with a user friendly interface. so long story short i created an SMS  using PHPRAD and i hit a wall on how to create a responder for incoming text.

 Ex.    incoming text( with specific code included on the text ) -> SMS system   receive it and look it up on responder section if theres a match the responder will send a message on recipients included on responder with a return reply on  sender that the text has been processed.

sorry for getting a help on this i have a zero knowledge on php programming and still on the learning process.

hope you guys can help.