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Messages - pvisser

Questions / How can I auto fill fields from the "user" table
How can I auto fill fields from the "user" table in a table "hostingpacks"with a field like eg Customer

In the Table user I have

In the table Hostingpacks  I have :

Username (as (Selectbox) with the list from the table user)
Customer (I want this to auto fill with the username from the "User table" if I select a username from the above field from the table user)

Can you please advice me with a sample how to do this? That would be great..

Thank you so mutch.  I love PHPRad.  More than Appgini I own also
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Questions / Re: Counting records for a dashboard total only for the logged in user
Hello there thank you for helping out.  I noticed that I had to use user_id to store in the table instead of use_name then I can query the name in the table.  The only think I would like to know is :

How can I auto fill fields from the user table in a table hostingpacks with a field like eg Customer

In the Table user I have

In the table Hostingpacks  I have :
Username (as (Selectbox) with the list from the table user)
Customer (I want to auto fill with the username if I select a username from the above field from the table user)

Can you please advice me with a sample how to do this? That would be great..

Thank you so mutch.  I love PHPRad.  More than Appgini I own also
Questions / Re: Counting records for a dashboard total only for the logged in user
I Did like this right?

"SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM hostingpakketten WHERE Naam_Klant=" .USER_NAME

This is the Table : hostingpakketten
This is the field in the table te usename is saved in : Naam_Klant

So if PIET is logged in, i only want to count the records with PIET his name in field : Naam_Klant

Please Advice.
Bugs / Re: Unable to open project file. (I build in version. 2.7.3)
Okay i Think I have found a way to solve this reasonably. When it happens that you can no longer open a project file? because this one is corupt? then you can try the following.

1. Create a new project with the same name in the same folder
2. Use the same database and name
3. A message will appear to overwrite? (Do that)
4. Then the project will start and you will see everything is still as it was. But? first make a backup of your data. because you do this at your own risk, ....

Hope this helps.
Bugs / Unable to open project file. (I build in version. 2.7.3)
Hi in bought PHPRad 2.7.3 a few days ago and created a project. Now I get this message: Unable to open project file bla bla bla .. I made this Project and saved in phprad 2.7.3 so the program is wrong. How do I fix that?

<img src="">

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