I need help in integration of Google maps with PHPRAD so i can display and mark the location of the addresses from records in my database. Can someone help in this regard
I saw Willvin had implemented Google maps integration with PHPRAD. I wanted to view the video and become a a patron if needed for the same.
I have a structure with three major tables i.e., soldier, incident and incident_soldiers. this is essentially the incident details or the people/soldiers involved in a particular incident.
Soldier Table Fields: id soldier_number
Incident Table fields id incident_number incident_soldiers
Incident_soldiers table fields id soldier_number incident_number
Relationship is like:
1 Incident -> Many incident_soldiers In incident_soldiers, soldier details need to be input in order to track which soldiers are present in each incident
Requirement is that once i delete an incident, the corresponding records in incident_soldiers be deleted. it can be many records. incident_number is primary key in Incident Table and also referenced as foreign key in Incident_soldiers Table
I can't understand what BEFORE DELETE and AFTER DELETE queries should i put. I have searched the forums and tried but still couldn't get it worked.